Cover Letter Crossword Puzzle

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Cover Letter Crossword Puzzle

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  • skills : the abilities you have, such as communication or problem-solving, that help you do a job well.
  • resume : a document that lists your work experience, skills, and education.
  • fit : how well you match or are suited for a job or company.
  • introduction : the beginning part of the cover letter where you explain who you are and why you are applying for the job.
  • professional : acting in a polite, respectful, and serious way at work or in a job application.
  • opportunity : a chance to do something, like a job or a project.
  • employer : the person or company that is hiring someone for a job.
  • experience : the knowledge or skills you gain from doing a job or task.
  • contribution : the help or work you give to a company or team.
  • cover letter : a letter you send with your resume to apply for a job, introducing yourself and explaining why you are a good fit.