Infection, Asepsis, and Sterile Technique Crossword Puzzle

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Infection, Asepsis, and Sterile Technique Crossword Puzzle

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  • sterile: item free of all microorganisms and spores.
  • convalescent: acute symptoms subside until person recovers.
  • influenza: a droplet transmitted disease.
  • spores: most difficult type of microorganisms to destroy.
  • direct: most frequent mode of disease transmission.
  • steam: sterilization technique used to kill pathogenic microorganisms.
  • virulence: pathogen's strength to cause disease.
  • pathogens: microorganisms that cause disease.
  • antibiotics: microorganism resistance to _ may cause nosocomial infections.
  • handwashing: most effective measure to prevent spread of disease.
  • communicable: diseases spread from one person to another.
  • diarrhea: acute condition transmitted via direct/indirect contact.
  • incubation: pathogen enters body until 1st symptoms appear.
  • chemotherapy: patient treatment requiring reverse isolation.
  • contagious: diseases which are transmitted to many individuals quickly and easily.
  • tuberculosis: an airborne transmitted disease.
  • contaminated: object was clean/sterile before it touched a dirty object.