Indigenous Studies Crossword Puzzle

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Indigenous Studies Crossword Puzzle

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  • dream time : a word to describe aboriginal and torres strait islander folklore.
  • discrimination : a formal word for the unjust treatment aboriginal and torres strait islander people faced.
  • culture : ideas, customs and traditions that make up a particular group of people.
  • indigenous : a group of people who originated or are native to a specific country/land.
  • racism : prejudice against a particular group/person by an individual or community, based on colour
  • land : something that first nations people believe to be sacred and can provides everything needed.
  • pride : the state of feeling or being proud.
  • segregation : the action of separating someone or something apart from others.
  • identity: the unique set of qualities that can be used to determine a person as themself and no one else.
  • stolen : the act of taking something or someone without their permission and the intent to return it.
  • generation : a group that signifies the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time.
  • history : study of the past, particularly in human affairs.
  • colonization : a process of establishing control over foreign territories or peoples for the purpose of exploitation.
  • mob : a group of aboriginal people associated with an extended family group, clan group or wider community group.
  • activism: the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change.