Personality Types Crossword Puzzle

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Personality Types Crossword Puzzle

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  • amiable : friendly and pleasant; having a cheerful and agreeable disposition.
  • boastful : given to or characterized by bragging or excessive pride in one's achievements or possessions.
  • arrogant : having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities; overbearing pride.
  • complacent : showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements; self-satisfied.
  • defiant : boldly resistant or challenging; showing a disregard for authority or rules.
  • envious : feeling or showing discontent or resentment aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.
  • obedient : complying with or submissive to authority, control, or instructions; willing to follow rules or commands.
  • self-denying : lacking in self-indulgence; willing to forego personal pleasures or desires for the sake of others.
  • sensitive : quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences; easily hurt or affected emotionally.
  • sullen : bad-tempered and sulky; showing a silent or reserved mood, often marked by sadness or moroseness.
  • superficial : concerned only with what is obvious or apparent; lacking depth of character or understanding.
  • touchy : overly sensitive or prone to being easily offended; requiring careful handling.
  • trustworthy : able to be relied on as honest or truthful; deserving of trust or confidence.
  • cynical : distrustful of human sincerity or integrity; believing that people are motivated by self-interest.
  • determined : having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it; showing firmness of purpose.
  • eager : enthusiastic and keen; having a strong desire or interest in something.
  • mature : having reached an advanced stage of mental or emotional development; fully developed in personality or character.
  • resourceful : able to deal skilfully and promptly with new situations, difficulties, or problems; innovative and capable.
  • self-sufficient : able to provide for oneself without the help of others; independent.
  • tactful : having or showing sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues; considerate and diplomatic.
  • thorough : complete and detailed; not leaving anything out; performed with great attention to detail.
  • uninhibited : free from social restraint or inhibition; open and expressive without self-consciousness.