Foundations in Social Work Crossword Puzzle

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Foundations in Social Work Crossword Puzzle

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  • social enhancement: services emphasize growth and development of clients in a particular area of functioning without a “problem” having necessarily been identified
  • social action: programs are concerned with changing aspects of the social environment to make it more responsive to people’s needs and wants
  • professional drift: is the neglect of a profession’s traditional purpose and functions in favor of activities associated with another discipline.
  • social treatment: involves actions designed to modify or correct an individual’s or a family’s dysfunctional, problematic, or distressing patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior. in social treatment, the focus is primarily on facilitating individual or family change through education, counseling, or various forms of therapy
  • social care: refers to those actions and efforts designed to provide people in need with access to the basics of life
  • sanction: refers to the authorization, approval, or permission needed to perform certain tasks or activities—ones that can have a significant impact on someone’s life and possibly cause harm.
  • professional domain: the profession’s area of expertise, clients are to receive the most effective services that the professional is prepared to provide.
  • macro level: is a practice may involve work with and efforts to change an organization, community, state, or even society as a whole.
  • value: worth which man attaches to certain things, systems or persons within the realm of usefulness, truth, goodness or beauty.
  • prevention: consists of those actions taken to eliminate social, economic, psychological, and other conditions known to cause or contribute to the formation of human problems
  • people: are social creatures. they need other people. each individual’s growth and development requires the guidance, nurturing, and protection provided by others.
  • social justice: refers to fairness and moral rightness in how institutions such as governments, corporations, and powerful groups recognize and support the basic human rights, dignity, and worth of all people