Manners and Behaviour Crossword Puzzle

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Manners and Behaviour Crossword Puzzle

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  • arrogant : unpleasantly proud; having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
  • decent : socially acceptable or good; fair, modest and respectful.
  • courtesy : politeness; respectful behavior.
  • attitude : a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this.
  • behaviour : the way in which someone conducts (behaves) themselves.
  • manners : socially acceptable and polite ways of behaving oneself.
  • disturbing : making someone feel worried or upset.
  • gesture : expressive movement or action, often non-verbal, that conveys meaning.
  • etiquette : accepted social behavior in a particular situation; the set of rules or customs that control accepted behaviour.
  • appropriate : suitable for a particular situation or occasion; fitting and acceptable.
  • considerate : thoughtful, helpful and showing concern for others.
  • pardon : forgiveness; to forgive someone for something; to politely ask someone to repeat somethi