Fire Dispatch Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: rehab : the apparatus that is designed to carry beverages and food for units working and incident, brush unit : an apparatus used in suppression of wild land and structure fires. (2 words), changing gears : what we are in when fire1 is only saying the initial dispatch once. (2 words), step one alert : what is it called when you call a hospital to give them a heads-up about a critical patient. (3 words), tender : an apparatus that carries 1500 gallons or more of water and a pump, shared crew : the idea of having one crew assigned to more than one apparatus (2 words), air unit : a vehicle or trailer designed to carry self-contained breathing apparatus. (2 words), test : how you would close a test tone for a fire station, size up : what a fire unit gives when arriving on a fire scene. (2 words), medic : an advance life support unit, alert : command to advise your fire partner of a tone request, mayday : a term used by a firefighter who is trapped in a fire, code blue : the fire department's equivalent of a help call. (2 words), mci : a call type upgrade that a fire chief may request when a scene has multiple patients/injuries, strike team : the name of a group of three same apparatus. (2 words), short report : what you give a fire unit when they go en route on the radio, passport : a system of accountability for all emergency responders, park : a term used when an apparatus holds short of an incident awaiting instructions.