Fall Prevention and Safety Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: spills : check the flooring for _ that could cause slips, water : consuming regular _ can prevent dehydration and urinary tract infections, pressure : high or low blood _ can cause dizziness and falls, three : one in _ community dwelling seniors will have a fall each year, help : encouraging seniors to ask for _ can promote their safety, exercise : participating in regular _ is an excellent way to stay strong and prevent falls, call bell : quick responses to use of the _ can reduce risk for falls, clutter : remove _ to prevent falls that can occur inside the home, reacher : having this long handled device can help seniors get things they need in their home, lighting : good _ , especially at night, can improve vision and safety, glasses : ensuring seniors wear their _ is important in preventing falls, vision : having this checked once a year can prevent falls, toileting : helping residents with a _ schedule can prevent falls, fear : _ of falling is a syndrome that makes an elderly person more prone to falls, comfort : regularly checking on a resident's _ level will help identify needs and prevent falls, slowly : change positions _ , especially when coming to standing, medicine : talk to your nurse or doctor about any change in your _ that could cause side effects, brakes : always check your wheelchair _ to be sure you are safe when standing or sitting, pain : monitoring and addressing _ is essential to promote health and maintain strength, shoes : wearing a good pair of _ will prevent slips that lead to falls.