Ethnic, Cultural and Spiritual Aspects of Care Crossword Puzzle

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Ethnic, Cultural and Spiritual Aspects of Care Crossword Puzzle

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  • ethnicity : categorization of a group of people by a distinctive trait, such as race or nationality
  • prejudice : judgement about a person or group based on irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, sexual orientation, or religion
  • catholic : abortion and sterilization are forbidden, fast at designated times, believe in marriage to one spouse of the opposite sex
  • hindu : believe in astrology, do not use eating utensils, and do not pray for recovery, take what is dealt to them
  • cultural diversity : differences between groups of people in a certain geographical area; a specific place or a conceptual community
  • culture : the way of life that distinguishes a particular group of people from other groups
  • discrimination : unfair treatment of one or more persons or groups
  • protestant : birth control is acceptable, some require baptism and some do not, most require communion
  • stereotyping : preconceived ideas and fixed impressions or ideas that lead to prejudice and possibly mistreatment
  • spirituality : gives meaning and purpose to life, making it most important aspect of an individual
  • religion : formal structured systems of beliefs, values, rituals, and practices of person or group, usually based on the teachings of a god or other spiritual leader
  • amish : believe the heart is the body's soul, believe that health insurance is worldly, do not fear death but do fear disability