Energy vs. Matter Crossword Puzzle

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Energy vs. Matter Crossword Puzzle

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  • electrical : this energy comes from electrons and powers our homes.
  • sound : this energy occurs when an object vibrates.
  • energy : the ability to do work. this has no measurable mass or volume.
  • gravitational : this energy is found as we are pulled down toward the earth.
  • mechanical : the energy of motion or is stored in objects from tension.
  • matter : solids, liquids, and gases are types of...
  • thermal : another name for heat energy.
  • electromagnetic : this type of energy travels as a wave through space.
  • chemical : this type of energy is found in coal, batteries, gasoline, and food.
  • mass : matter is considered anything with a _ and a volume.
  • joule : the si unit for both work and energy.
  • nuclear : this energy is stored inside of atoms and is released when atoms fuse together or are split apart.