Early Cold War Crossword Puzzle

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Early Cold War Crossword Puzzle

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  • berlin : name of the city blockaded by stalin in which the us delivered supplies by airlift
  • containment : us policy of not allowing communism to spread
  • communism : economic system in which all businesses are owned by the government
  • china : country in asia that fell to communism after a revolution led by mao.
  • warsaw pact : alliance formed by the soviet union with other communist countries
  • stalin : dictator of the soviet union
  • iron curtain : name for the imaginary divide in europe between democratic and communist countries
  • truman : president of the united states
  • yalta : conference where stalin broke his promise to allow poland to have free elections
  • marshall : us plan that gave billions of dollars to european countries to prevent communism.
  • nato : alliance formed by the us with other democratic nations
  • korea : the first proxy war, communist north _ invades the democratic south