Domestic Relations Law Crossword Puzzle

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Domestic Relations Law Crossword Puzzle

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  • guardians: a person or an agency to whom the court gives authority to take responsibility for the care of a child.
  • separate property: property considered by the courts to belong only to one spouse or the other.
  • maintenance: support paid by one party to the marriage for the support of the other party to the marriage pursuant to a final judgment of divorce.
  • divorce: the legal ending of the marriage between a husband and wife so that each is free to marry again.
  • abandonment: when one party has left the other for a continuous period of one year or more, without the party's consent, and without justification (good cause).
  • support: payment for housing, food, clothing, and related living expenses.
  • child support: money paid by one parent to another for a child's expenses after separation and/or divorce.
  • visitation: the right of a non-custodial parent to be with a child.
  • attorney for child: an attorney appointed by the court to represent a child in contested custody matters.
  • adoption: the legal process where one or two people become the parent of a child and take the child to be their own.
  • surrogate: a person acting on behalf of another or a substitute.
  • separation: one spouse's absence from the marital household prior to divorce.
  • family court: tribunal in new york state that has the jurisdiction to hear cases involving child support, custody, visitation, spousal support and family offenses.
  • custody: the responsibility for the child's care and how the child is brought up to one or both of the child's parents or to someone else.
  • solemnization: the performance of a formal marriage ceremony before witnesses.
  • marriage: the legal union of a couple as spouses.
  • annulment: a court declaration that states that a marriage was never legally valid. after an annulment, the parties are free to remarry.