Constitution Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: states : the tenth amendment is the right reserved to the _ , madison : james _ was one of the creators of the constitution, arms : the second amendment give you the right to keep and bear _ ?, legislative : what branch of government makes the laws?, washington dc : where is the original copy of the bill of rights located?, federalism : is the idea that the national government shares power with the state government, constitution : the united states _ is the supreme law of the united states?, warrant : the police need this to search your house?, third : the right to not have to quarter soldiers and seizures is what amendment?, four : how many signatures are on the constitution?, twenty seven : how many amendments are in the us constitution, executive : the _ branch is responsible for carrying out and executing the nations laws, amendment : a change or addition to the constitution is called a ?, religion : the first amendment is freedom of _ , assembly, press, petition, and speech, cruel : the eight amendment state " excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed nor _ and unusual punishments inflicted"