Legal Terms N Crossword Puzzle

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Legal Terms N Crossword Puzzle

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  • nominee : a person or entity who is requested or named to act for another, such as an agent or trustee.
  • negotiation : discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.
  • no contest : in criminal law, a defendant's plea in court that he/she will not contest the charge of a particular crime, also called nolo contendere.
  • negligent : careless in not fulfilling responsibility.
  • natural law : the body of laws derived from nature and reason, embodied in the declaration of independence assertion that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
  • noxious : harmful to health, often referring to nuisances
  • negligence : failure to exercise the care toward others which a reasonable or prudent person would do in the circumstances, or taking action which such a reasonable person would not.
  • notice : information, usually in writing in all legal proceedings, of all documents filed, decisions, requests, motions, petitions, and upcoming dates.
  • non feasance : failure to perform an act that is required by law.
  • note : a written statement of debt by one or more people to one or more people, with a statement of a specific amount owed or due, date it is due, interest (if any) on the amount, and other terms such as installments, penalty for late payment, full amount due if delinquent, how secured (as by real property), and attorneys' fees and costs if required to collect on the debt.
  • negotiable instrument : check, promissory note, bill of exchange, security or any document representing money payable which can be transferred to another by handing it over (delivery) and/or endorsing it.