Government and Politics Crossword Puzzle

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Government and Politics Crossword Puzzle

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  • monarchy : a state or nation in which the supreme power is actually held by a single person
  • oligarchy : "government by the few", a form of government in which all power is vested in a few people
  • indirect democracy : all citizens participate but they elect representatives to vote on issues
  • democracy : "government by the people", a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them
  • dynasty : a series of kings or rulers who belong to the same family
  • direct democracy : all citizens participate and vote on issues
  • theocracy : a form of government in which god or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler
  • aristocracy : a government or state ruled by an elite or privileged upper class
  • mandate of heaven : the source of authority came from heaven, selecting a ruler
  • divine right : a ruler or king was chosen to serve by god
  • citizen participation : the dedication of citizens to be involved with activities that support the common good of a community above their own interest
  • republic : a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them
  • tyranny : a government ruled by someone who uses power oppressively or unjustly