Communication Terms Review Crossword Puzzle

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Communication Terms Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • proxemics: how close/ far away you are from the person you are communicating with impacts how your message gets across
  • chronemics: time is a valuable commodity - how punctual you are, how long you are willing to listen, pace of the conversation all influence how a message is received
  • vocalics: non-verbal vocal qualities ex: pitch, volume, tempo, laughing, crying, yelling, “umm”, “okay”, “you know”
  • kinesics: gestures, posture, eye contact, facial expressions, image/clothing, hair, makeup
  • noise: physical or psychological obstacles that can inhibit the true meaning of the message coming across ex: call failed
  • channel overload: message transmitted over a specific channel exceeds the capacity ex: voicemail full, zoom meeting runs out of time
  • information overload: too much info is given for someone to absorb or handle properly, can leave receiver feeling annoyed or overwhelmed
  • semantic interference: words can mean different things to different people and meaning can change in different contexts = misinterpretation
  • emotional interference: strong feelings of joy, hostility or resentment can interfere with an individual's ability decode a message (ex: angry email)
  • no editing: if there are too many spelling or grammatical errors then this can take away from the overall message