Coffee Crossword Puzzle

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Coffee Crossword Puzzle

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  • arabica : one of the two main varieties of coffee plants (the other being robusta). it produces far superior coffee quality and accounts for about 70% of the coffee consumed worldwide.
  • barista : someone who brews and prepares coffee beverages professionally.
  • cappuccino : a mixed coffee drink consisting of equal amounts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam.
  • cold brew : a type of coffee that is “brewed” by letting grounds sit in room temperature or cold water for 12-24 hours. it produces a smooth, less bitter coffee.
  • espresso : a type of coffee produced by forcing hot or boiling water through a puck of very finely ground coffee.
  • latte : a mixed coffee drink consisting of a shot or two of espresso with two or three times as much steamed milk. it is often served with milk froth on top.
  • roasting : the process of heating bitter green coffee beans to develop more palatable flavors associated with coffee.
  • blend : a term to describe a coffee that consists of two or more different beans blended together.
  • americano : a simple cup of coffee, but actually made by adding hot water to a shot of espresso to create a unique flavor profile.