Cells and Bodies Crossword Puzzle

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Cells and Bodies Crossword Puzzle

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  • nucleus : dna is stored in this organelle
  • cytoplasm : movement of substances in the cell occurs here
  • cell membrane : allows substances to flow in and out of the cell
  • stage : where the microscope slide is placed
  • chloroplast : the site of photosynthesis
  • respiration : this is not breathing. produces energy for cells
  • diffusion : the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  • osmosis : the movement of water from and area of high concentration of water to an area of low concentration of water
  • femur : longest bone in the body
  • ligament : these connect bone to bone
  • joint : can be hinge, pivot or ball and socket
  • tendon : these connect muscle to bone