Beach and Surf Safety Crossword Puzzle

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Beach and Surf Safety Crossword Puzzle

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  • crest: what is the highest point of a wave called
  • jellyfish: purple flag means that these stinging organisms might be out to say hello
  • trough: what is the lowest point of a wave
  • bug spray: wear _ to avoid getting "bit" by flies and mosquitos
  • double: a _ red flag indicates a severe hazard, and a closure is in effect
  • lifeguard: always swim when a _ is on duty
  • sunburn: over exposure to uv radiation
  • shark: apex predator of the sea
  • water: drink _ to avoid dehydration water
  • red flag: indicates a high hazards, such as surf and seaward currents
  • rip current: a strong, narrow current flowing outward from the beach through the surf zone