Atoms & Mixtures Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: bond : when atoms combine they form a chemical _ , magnet : iron can be separated from a mixture using a _ , broken : an element is any substance that cannot be _ down into another substance, different : compounds have properties that are _ from the properties of the elements that made them, mixture : a _ is formed when substances combine without bonding, evenly : soy sauce is a homogeneous mixture because the substances in it are _ mixed, one : carbon monoxide has carbon and oxygen combining at a ratio of one to _ , elements : greek philosophers speculated that all matter was made from the four _ earth, air, fire, and water, liquids : solids can be separated from _ using filtration, molecule : a _ is when two or more atoms are held together by bonds, two : an oxygen molecule is made of _ (a #) oxygen atoms, cloud : atoms have a positive nucleus surrounded by a _ of electrons, formula : a chemical _ represents the number of each element in a compound, ratio : compounds combine at a fixed _ , separate : mixtures are made of substances that do not bond together. therefore, you can _ the parts, particle : the _ theory states that all matter is made of atoms.