Xylem Tissue Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: primary: type of growth that occurs at the stems, roots and flower buds, secondary: type of growth that allows the plant to get wider over time, trachieds: type of cell in xylem that help transport xylem sap and provide structural support, bordered pits: cavities in the cell walls of the xylem tissue, vascular: type of tissue in xylem that transports substances through the plant, lignin: contained in the walls of the xylem, minerals: xylem transports water and --- from the roots to the rest of the plant, gravitational: type of force which xylem sap has to overcome, parenchyma: long fibers which help support the plant and make up the soft parts of the plant, hydrophobic: type of attraction between the internal surface of the tube and the free-flowing water