Variables Unit Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Variables Unit Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • capacity : amount a container holds when filled up.
  • density : how close atoms and molecules are packed together.
  • mass : the amount of matter that makes up an object.
  • volume : similar to capacity. the amount of space a container occupies.
  • buoyancy : a force in liquid that pushes an object up.
  • oscillation : a repeated swing or swivel action.
  • negative : the type of relationship that exists when the independent variable increases and the dependent variable decreases or vice-versa.
  • gravity : a force that pulls an object down. in a pendulum it pulls the bob back toward the equilibrium point.
  • control variable : things in an experiment that can change but are kept the same.
  • positive : the type of relationship that exists when both the independent and dependent variables increase or both decrease.
  • special case : the type of relationship that exists when either independent or dependent variable stays the same.
  • dependent variable : what is counted or measured during the experiment.
  • variable : anything that can change.
  • independent variable : the one thing in an experiment that is allowed to change.
  • period : one complete swing of a pendulum (away and back).
  • matter : anything that takes up space and has mass. all objects are made of it.
  • pivot point : the fixed point of a pendulum.
  • bob : the mass or weight that is suspended in a pendulum.
  • pendulum : a bob suspended from a pivot point so that the bob swings freely.
  • inertia : a force that pulls an object out (away from the equilibrium point).
  • displacement : movement (if relating to water, it is = the mass of the object that moves the water.)
  • equilibrium point : when a bob is at rest.