Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs Crossword Puzzle

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Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs Crossword Puzzle

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  • concrete: noun that you can see or touch
  • abstract: nouns that are nonphysical ideas and cannot be perceived through the senses
  • verb: expresses action
  • noun: person, place, or thing
  • proper: noun that names a particular person, place, or thing
  • action: a verb that describes the action that the subject of the sentence performs
  • stative: a verb that state or condition that is stable or unlikely to change
  • pronouns: replace nouns in a sentence
  • possessive: a noun that shows ownership or relationship
  • common: noun that describes something general
  • uncountable: nouns that we cannot divide into separate elements
  • personal: pronouns that are used in a specific object or person
  • interrogative: pronouns that ask questions
  • demonstrative: pronouns that are used to point to specific things
  • countable: nouns that can be counted