Town & Country Planning Act Crossword Puzzle

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  • section 171a: section ... defines breach of planning control (4)
  • local planning authorities : enforcement action is taken by ... (5,8,11)
  • section 171b4b: section ... allows for further enforcement action (6)
  • 4 years : further action can be taken within ... following previous action (1,5)
  • planning contravention : notice requesting information for what is being carried out (8,13)
  • unlimited fine : possible penalty regarding enforcement notices (9,4)
  • stop notice : prohibits any and all activities under an alleged breach (4,6)
  • breach of condition : notice issued to secure compliance of planning condition (6,2,9)
  • magistrates : court where summary prosecution can be ruled (11)
  • high or county : other courts where injunction may be applied for (4,2,6)
  • listed: type of building deemed to be nationally important (6)
  • listed building control : planning control which protects the listed buildings (6,8,7)
  • planning permission : required for any exterior alterations (8,10)
  • building regulations : any work carried out under these will also need listed building consent (8,11)
  • conservation : this type of area is of special architectural or historic interest (12)
  • party wall : 1996 act providing framework for preventing and resolving disputes (5,4)
  • party fence : name of wall used to separate land (not fence or concrete posts) (5,5)
  • party structure : separates floors etc in buildings (or part of) (5,10)
  • two months : minimum notice period required for intention of works to be carried out (3,6)
  • post : method by which notice is usually sent (4)
  • fourteen : number of days neighbour has to respond to notice (8)
  • counter offer : notice neighbour uses this to request further works (7,5)
  • surveyor : person who must be appointed if agreement cannot be reached (8)