Criminal Justice Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • jail : for short term stay
  • intent : proving a guilty state of mind means showing this
  • murder : homicide plus malice
  • status : the crime they committed was based on youth
  • extortion : also known as blackmail
  • solicitation : to ask someone to commit a crime
  • arson : burning of property
  • robbery : taking from an individual by force
  • accomplice : helped throughout the crime
  • elements : parts of a crime that must all be present
  • federal : crime occurs in multiple states at the same time
  • alibi : evidence that the defendant was somewhere else
  • motive : why a crime was committed
  • assault : a threat to carry out a physical attack
  • prison : for long term stay
  • mistrial : because of an error, the whole trial starts over
  • felony : gets you more than a year behind bars
  • restitution : money paid to the victim
  • larceny : can be either petty or grand
  • parole : early release from prison
  • conspiracy : an agreement between two or more to commit a crime
  • subpoena : an order to appear in court