The Bureaucracy Crossword Puzzle

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The Bureaucracy Crossword Puzzle

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  • bureaucracy: a complex system of government with many departments and officials.
  • bureaucrat: a government official.
  • administration: the management of a government or organization.
  • staff agency: a government agency that supports other agencies.
  • line agency: a government agency that implements policy.
  • federal budget: a plan for how the federal government will spend money.
  • fiscal year: a 12-month period used for budgeting.
  • domestic affairs: issues that concern a country's internal affairs.
  • executive department: a major unit of the federal government responsible for a broad area of policy.
  • civilian: a person who is not in the military.
  • secretary: the head of an executive department.
  • attorney general: the head of the department of justice.
  • independent agency: a government agency that operates independently of the executive departments.
  • civil service: a system of government employment based on merit.
  • patronage: the practice of giving government jobs to political supporters.
  • spoils system: a system of government in which jobs are given to political supporters.
  • draft: a law that requires citizens to serve in the military.