The Body Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: face : where your eyes, nose and mouth are, head : the top of your body where your hair is, eyes : they help you to see, mouth : you eat with it, ears : you hear with them, teeth : the dentist looks at them, shoulders : the top of your arms, arms : the two long things with fingers at the end, hands : what you use to say hello to someone, fingers : what you use to type, elbows : these let your arms bend, neck : what your head sits on, hair : this grows from your head, chest : where your heart is, stomach : where your food goes, belly : where your food is processed, legs : you use these to walk, knees : you use these to bend your legs, feet : you walk on these, toes : there are ten of them at the end of your feet, bottom : what you sit on, back : where your spine is.