Stress and Anxiety Crossword Puzzle

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Stress and Anxiety Crossword Puzzle

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  • anxiety : a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or uncertain outcome.
  • stress : the body's response to a challenge or demand, often causing physical and emotional strain.
  • visualization : a strategy where athletes picture their success to reduce anxiety and boost confidence.
  • affirmation : a mental technique that involves repeating positive phrases to boost confidence.
  • burnout : a negative reaction to stress that can cause a lack of focus and motivation.
  • deep breathing : a relaxation technique that focuses on breathing patterns to reduce stress.
  • choking : a condition where an athlete is too anxious, leading to a decline in performance.
  • cortisol : a hormone linked to chronic stress that can negatively impact performance.
  • self doubt : a lack of confidence in one's abilities that can negatively impact performance.