Safe and Sound: High Risk Situations Crossword Puzzle

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Safe and Sound: High Risk Situations Crossword Puzzle

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  • craving : the feeling that people get when they really want or need something.
  • obstacle : a barrier that gets in the way and prevents you from achieving your goals
  • risk factor : something that increases the chance that someone will be put in a bad situation.
  • minimization : making something seem smaller or less significant than it really is.
  • obligation : something that is required or expected of us.
  • warning sign : a feeling, thought, or urge leading to a possibly problematic or unsafe behavior.
  • pretend normal : acting like everything is okay, even though it isn't.
  • denial : pretending that something didn't happen when it did.
  • protective factor : something that decreases the possibly harmful effects of a risk factor.
  • gratification : the feeling that your needs are being met. expecting to have this instantly can be dangerous.
  • impulse : similar to an urge, in which you act before thinking.