Roaring 20's Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: bull market : a period of increased stock trading or the rising of stock prices, prohibition : the ban on the manufacture, sale, and transportation of liquor any where in the united states, flapper : young women who rebelled against traditional ways of thinking, equal rights : amendment that stated that no rights shall be denied by united states based on account of being a man or a woman, eighteenth: the amendment that banned the use of liquor in the united states, nineteenth : in 1920 the amendment that gave women the right to vote, twenty first : in 1933 the united states ratified this amendment which repealed, or cancelled the eighteenth amendment, teapot dome scandal : the scandal in which the first cabinet official was sent to prison for being involved in an oil bribery, recession : economic slump, communism : an economic system in which all wealth and property is owned by the community, fad : an activity or fashion that is taken up with great passion for a short time