Recycling Metals Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: supply:the way we obtain resources/the amount of resources we have available, reactivity:the scale on how reactive an element is, unsustainable:a fuel that we don't have the resources to keep using, waste:unused resources that are thrown away, steel:an alloy created from iron and carbon, pure:a metal with no other elements within, fuel:a source of energy, reducing:to minimize the amount of resources used/wasted, exploitation:when a resource is taken advantage of, electrolysis:the process of using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, resource:something we can use that comes from the earth: natural _ , recycling:to create something new out of something old, scrap:unused metal, eg. _ iron, nature:the physical, natural world collectively, displacement:when one element is replaced by another in a reaction, renewable:a type of energy that is produced as fast as it is used, rust:something created by metal being exposed to water and air, reusing:to make use of previously used items, impurities:parts of a metal that aren't pure, finite:describes something that will eventually run out, alloy:a mixture of metals