Prehistory and Historians Crossword Puzzle

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Prehistory and Historians Crossword Puzzle

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  • prehistory: before written history
  • historians: people who study and write about the historical past
  • anthropologists: people who study the origins and development of people and their societies
  • archaeologists: people who study past peoples and their cultures through their material remains-artifacts
  • geographers: people who study the natural features of the earth
  • culture: the way of life of a society, which includes its beliefs, values, and practices
  • artifact: an object made by someone in the past
  • technology: the skills and tools people use to meet their basic needs and wants
  • paleolithic period: also called the old stone age, a period of prehistory from at least 2 million bc to about 10,000 bc
  • neolithic period: also called the new stone age, a period of prehistory from about 10,000 bc until the end of prehistory
  • nomads: people who move from place to place to find food
  • domesticate: to raise plants and animals in a controlled way that makes them best suited to human use
  • transition: a process of undergoing a change from one stage to another
  • neolithic revolution: a period of history when the development of agriculture changed the world
  • technique: procedure, skill, or art used in a particular task
  • mesolithic period: a transitional period between the time between when people were pure hunter-gatherers and when they became farmers in settlements with domesticated animals and wheat