Philosophy of Architecture Crossword Puzzle

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Philosophy of Architecture Crossword Puzzle

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  • philosophy : the study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life.
  • mimesis : the way in which the real world and human behaviour is represented in art or literature.
  • functionalism : the idea or belief that the most important thing about the style or design of a building or object is how it is going to be used, not how it will look.
  • form : the shape of somebody/something; a person or thing of which only the shape can be seen.
  • beam : a long piece of wood, metal, etc. used to support weight, especially as part of the roof in a building.
  • judgement : the ability to make sensible decisions after carefully considering the best thing to do.
  • style: the features of a book, painting, building, etc. that make it typical of a particular author, artist, historical period, etc.
  • aesthetic : the qualities and ideas in a work of art or literature that relate to beauty and the nature of art.
  • portrait : painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders.
  • expression : things that people say, write or do in order to show their feelings, opinions and ideas.
  • sculpture : a work of art that is a solid figure or object made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, etc.
  • architecture : the art and study of designing buildings.
  • classicism : a style of art and literature that is based on the styles of ancient greece and rome.
  • column : a tall, solid post, usually round and made of stone, that supports or decorates a building or stands alone as a monument.
  • superficial : appearing to be true, real or important until you look at it more carefully.
  • function : a special activity or purpose of a person or thing.
  • representational : involving the act of representing somebody/something.
  • use : to do something with a machine, a method, an object, etc. for a particular purpose.