MSM - Mythical Island Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: hyehehe : this triple-eared trickster revels in the hot and humid weather patterns characteristic of earth island,, sporerow : this dreamythical will 'caw to arms' fungal hangers-on dubbed shroomites to come together in an instinctive anthem, strombonin: mythical monster that is first found on cold island and can be teleported to mythical island. obtained by breeding spunge & bowgart, anglow : mythical monster that is first found on water island. plays a sound similar to a synthesized bass with a swelling effect, gjoob : spend most of their time drowsing under trees, using their six flippers to drag themselves around, wheezel: based on a classic prank like a jack-in-the-box, cherubble : mythical monster that is first found on fire oasis. makes the sound of an orchestral harp, buzzinga : best obtained by breeding reedling and barrb. makes a sound similar to a sarangi, cranchee : sings "boodap-badimbo" in a distorted voice, and fills in empty space during sporerow's first verse, knurv : fire haven mythical, best obtained by breeding cataliszt and buzzinga, cataliszt: mythical monster that is the single-element monster of dream, exclusive to mythical island, pinghound: dreamythical monster exclusive to mythical island, added alongside anglow, rare brump, rare zynth, rare poewk, rare thwok, & rare dwumrohl on april 5th, 2023. best obtained by breeding cataliszt & anglow, yawstrich: a highly specialized monster that can only inhabit the lofty perches of air island, bleatnik: sings in an eerie soft-like bleating voice, as its second track is harmonizing with yawstrich