Logical Fallacies Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: tu quoque : turning the accusation back on the accuser, slippery slope : saying that one event must lead to a bunch of other (unrelated) events, texas sharpshooter : cherry-picking data to prove your point, strawman : only arguing over a distorted version of your opponent's defense, red herring : using a distraction to avoid the main argument, fallacy fallacy : the belief that because one part of the argument is false, everything else is also false, special pleading : creating specialized rules for yourself, without justification, to get out of the argument, loaded question : weaving a presumption into your argument to make your opponent appear guilty/wrong, bandwagon : using popularity of an answer to dismiss a valid counter-point, burden of proof : saying a point must be true unless your opponent can completely show it to be false, ad hominem: a personal attack on the opponent