Organs and Tissues Crossword Puzzle
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- brain : the organ that controls our bodies
- bladder : this organ stores urine
- kidney : this organ makes urine
- urine : the word for pee
- root hair : the tissue that plants use to take water from the soil
- small intestine : organ that digests your food
- fat : tissue that protects the heart
- heart : organ that pumps blood around the body
- organ : a group of tissues working together
- muscle : tissue that con move itself
- leaf : organ in which plants make
- liver : this organ makes new substances and destroys some substances
- root : plant organ that has both root hair and xylem tissue
- lungs : you use these organs when you breathe
- stomach : the organ food goes into before the small intestine
- large intestine : water is removed in this organ and faeces (poo) is made