Nuclear Fuel, Reactors and Mining Crossword Puzzle

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  • spent fuel : 1000x more radioactive than ore
  • bwr : the control rods are inserted from the bottom
  • uf6 : formula of uranium for enrichment
  • front end : processing fuel from mining to the reactor
  • underground : mining using tunnels
  • assemblies : groupings of control rods
  • in situ : to extract uranium in place
  • tailings : leftovers from the milling process
  • control rods : absorbs neutrons in reactors
  • fast breeder : no moderator needed, used for producing plutonium
  • gaseous diffusion : enrichment by passing through a barrier
  • steam generator : found in pressurized water reactors, makes liquid to gas
  • reprocessing : the removal of plutonium from spent fuel
  • yellow cake : yellow powder found at the end of milling process
  • open pit : mining over a large area, detrimental to environment
  • pwr : the most common type of reactor in the us
  • mox : a mixture of uo2 and puo2
  • u3o8 : the formula of yellow-cake
  • back end : from the reactor to storage or reprocessing