Multi-Cultural Workplace Crossword Puzzle

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Multi-Cultural Workplace Crossword Puzzle

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  • learned: one of the key features of a culture where we are taught by someone usually an older person who is valued by the younger person.
  • social: one of the key features of culture is that an individual needs to interact with other people for culture to be transmitted and the more you interact with other people the wider your appreciation for things, values and concepts will be and the more it will live on.
  • shared: one of the key features of culture involves passing an art, language, religion, or values to another person such as members of the family or community throughout the succeeding generations.
  • continuous: one of the key features of culture is that we need to state a basis or explain the rationale for the practice in order for it to be accepted and continuously passed from one generation to the next.
  • accumulative: one of the key features of a culture where there is a bound to have changes in culture compared to when it was initially practiced.
  • ptime: place a higher value on people connections than on time.
  • space language: the way people ​​​​utilize their personal space varies among cultures.
  • language of friendship: one of the 6 aspects of culture that explains how individuals approach establishing friendships.
  • high context: one of the 6 aspects of cultures that involve the physical context of the message carries a great deal of importance.
  • power distance index: this refers to the degree of inequality that exists and is accepted between people with and without power.
  • individualism: it indicates weak interpersonal connection among those who are not part of a core "family".
  • collectivism: people are supposed to be loyal to the group to which they belong, and, in exchange, the group will defend their interests.
  • globe: it means the global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness.