Medical Terminology: Injury Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: hematoma : collection of swelling that is blood, atrophy : weakness or wasting away of tissues, effusion : swelling in the joint, dislocation : complete separation of two ends of a joint, ecchymosis : discoloration, sprain : stretching or tear of ligaments, laceration : jagged cut, avulsion : tearing away of tissue, abrasion : skin that is scraped away, puncture : skin is pierced by sharp pointed object, calcification : deposits of calcium in an area, joint laxity : looseness of a joint, bursa : fluid filled sac, contusion : bruise, incision : clean straight cut, crepitus : crackling feeling, chronic : long onset of injury, strain : stretching or tearing of muscles, edema : swelling of tissues, fracture : break in bone, subluxation : partial separation of two ends of a joint, indicate : advise the use of, inflammation : body's response to injury, acute : sudden onset of injury, contraindicate : to advise against