Light Revision Crossword Puzzle

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Light Revision Crossword Puzzle

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  • reflect: to bounce off the surface
  • lens: a curved piece of glass that can change direction of light
  • spectrum : the seven colors that make up white light
  • transverse wave: a wave where the vibration are at right angles to the direction the wave in traveling
  • ray: a narrow beam of light representing the path of light and where it is tr
  • incident ray: a ray of light going towards the mirror or other object
  • angle of incidence: the angle between an incoming light ray and the normal
  • interface : the boundary between two materials
  • transmit: to pass through a substance
  • translucent:material that lets light through but scatter it
  • opaque: material that does not let light through
  • source: where a wave begin
  • ray diagram : a diagram that presents that presents the path of light using arows
  • absorb: to soak up or to take in
  • refraction: the change in direction when light goes from one transparent material to another
  • transparent : a material that light can travel through with out scattering
  • normal: an imagery line at right angle