Legal Responsibilities Crossword Puzzle

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Legal Responsibilities Crossword Puzzle

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  • criminal law: focuses on a behavior known as a crime; deals with the wrongs against a person, property, or society
  • battery: unlawful touching of another person without consent.
  • legal: responsibilities that are authorized based on the law
  • assault: a threat or attempt to injury
  • sexual: type of abuse where there is sexual touching or act using sexual gestures, and suggesting sexual behavior, even if the patient is willing or tries to initiate it.
  • civil law: focuses on the legal relationships between people and the protection of a person's rights
  • tort: wrongful act that does not involve a contract.
  • malpractice: interpreted as "bad practice" and is commonly called "professional negligence"
  • negligence: this can be described as failure to give care that is normally expected of a person in a particular position, resulting in injury to another person.
  • verbal: type of abuse involving harsh speaking, swearing, or shouting, using inappropriate words to describe a person's race or nationality, and writing threats.
  • informed: what consent is permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind and who has been instructed, in terms the person can understand.
  • implied: when a patient passively cooperates in a process without discussion or formal consent.
  • psychological: type of abuse using threatening harm; denying rights; belittling, intimidating or ridiculing the person and threatening to reveal information about the person
  • abuse: any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish
  • physical: type of abuse involving hitting, forcing people against their will, restraining movement, and not providing physical care.
  • defamation: when false statements cause a person to be ridiculed or damage the person's reputation.