Insulin Safety Week Crossword Puzzle

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Insulin Safety Week Crossword Puzzle

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  • humalog : lispro is the generic name of _
  • insulin : a peptide hormone
  • retinopathy : people with diabetes are prone to developing this eye condition
  • penmix : contains neutral + isophane insulins
  • hyperglycaemia : all patients with two blood sugar levels > 11 mmol/l over 1-2 hours are considered to have this
  • glulisine : generic name of apidra
  • needles : on discharge, ensure that patients on insulin have insulin pens, test strips and _
  • angle : to administer insulin pinch the skin and inject at a 90 degree _
  • lantus : long acting insulin
  • basal : stable background insulin to cover requirements overnight while sleeping and between meals
  • gestational : a type of diabetes that only develops during pregnancy
  • mixed : always administer these insulins with meals
  • glucose : insulin stimulates the uptake of this substance
  • glargine : generic name of lantus
  • solostar : type of pen used for administering lantus
  • actrapid : neutral insulin
  • regular : the generic name of humulin r is _ or soluble insulin
  • exercise : this is an important part of any diabetes management plan