Inside Criminal Law Crossword Puzzle

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Inside Criminal Law Crossword Puzzle

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  • attendant : _ circumstances - depending on the seriousness of the crime, will determine the outcome.
  • administrative law : laws created by administrative agencies in the form of rules, regulations, orders and decisions.
  • involuntary : _ intoxication - when a person is forced to ingest or is injected with a substance against their will or is unaware of the substance.
  • mensrea : guilty intent
  • concurrence : when the guilty act and the guilty intent come together.
  • constitutional law : law based on the u.s constitution.
  • case law : judge made laws
  • harm : for most crimes to occur this happens to a person or property
  • statutory law : these laws are written by local, state and federal legislatures.
  • insanity : defense used when defendant is in a state of mind where they are unable to claim responsibility for their actions.
  • actusreus : means guilty act
  • mistake : when a person claims they were unaware they were breaking the law
  • infancy : defense where a wrongdoing is excused due to the accused being too young to understand the consequences.