Information Technology Crossword Puzzle

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  • gdpr : the law which protects data and privacy (4)
  • byte : the unit of storage on a computer (4)
  • local : the "l" in lan (5)
  • input : an _ device gives a computer information (5)
  • thousand : how many bytes are in a kilobyte (8)
  • operating : the software which runs the computer and other softwares (9)
  • cpu : the "brains" of the computer (3)
  • universal : a usb is short for _ serial bus (9)
  • tera : one trillion bytes is known as a _ byte (4)
  • random : ram stands for _ access memory (6)
  • hardware : the physical parts of a computer (8)
  • output : a speaker and monitor are examples of an _ device (6)
  • wan : a network which covers a large area (3)