Impact of Industrial Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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Impact of Industrial Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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  • child labour: young people working in mills and mines
  • legislation: a legal solution to some of the issues caused by the ind. rev.
  • workhouse: a place where poor people worked for a bed and food
  • luddites: people who smashed machinery in protest when their jobs were taken
  • socialism: belief in a more equal distribution of wealth and resources
  • pollution: contaminated air and water due to factories
  • slums: poor areas of overcrowded cities
  • sanitation: improving living conditions by removing rubbish and sewage
  • sewers: pipe systems that disposed of waste-water
  • long hours: factories didn't have clocks so that people didn't know they were working ....
  • reformers: people who tried to make conditions better by legislation, charity or other means
  • mines act: legislation (1842) that prohibited women and children from working underground
  • ten hour act: legislation that capped the number of hours people could work in a textile factory
  • hurrier: someone who pulled a coal car through the mine
  • trapper: someone who opened ventilation doors in mines
  • life expectancy: how long people lived on average; improved over the ir
  • over looker: man in charge of others in the factory
  • scavenger: children who crawled under machines to get loose bits of cotton
  • piecers: children who repaired broken threads on machines
  • poor law: legislation that established workhouses for the poor and unemployed
  • trade union: people from a similar trade who negotiate for better conditions
  • chartists: petitioners wanted universal male suffrage, secret ballots etc.
  • property: something you had to own to vote or be a member of parliament until late 1800's
  • owen: robert ?, factory owner for better working and living conditions, education for children
  • shafts bury: earl of ??? who promoted passing of laws for better working and living conditions