Cultural Approach Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: marginalisation : when someone has no sense of belonging due to not accepting or being accepted by a new culture, but also not feeling attached to their own, collectivism : valuing the community over ones self, assimilation : when someone adapts to the values of a new culture to fit in, individualism : the value of independence and self reliance, social identity theory : a theory in which a person's sense of who they are is determined by their membership of social groups, social cognitive : _ _ theory -behaviour is modelled by other members of a group and imitation depends on consequences of observed behaviour in others, culture : a set of attitudes, values and behaviours in a group of people, enculturation : how people learn the desired social behaviours and values of the culture to which they belong, acculturation : the process by which people change due to contact with other cultures, stereotype : a generalised and fixed way of thinking about a group of people