Feminism Recall Crossword Puzzle

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Feminism Recall Crossword Puzzle

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  • pay gap : the inequality women face relating to pay
  • glass ceiling : the invisible barrier faced by women in the workplace
  • patriarchy : male dominated society
  • liberal : the branch of feminists who are more optimistic about reaching equality
  • oakley : the feminist who talks about gender role socialization
  • frustration : marxist feminists argue women in capitalism help soothe this
  • four : how many waves of feminism are there?
  • social class : another source of inequality ignored by feminists (evaluation)
  • benston : marxist feminist who said women were the unpaid domestic workforce
  • feeley : marxist feminist who argued women produce the next generation of workers for free!
  • radical : the most extreme branch of feminism
  • political lesbianism: what did atkinson call the encouragement of women being free from their heads and beds?