Hydrological Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Hydrological Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • adsorption: the attraction of ions from an aqueous solution to a solid surface.
  • aquiclude: a low-permeability layer that limits groundwater flow.
  • aquifer: saturated rock or sediment that can transmit significant water to wells and springs.
  • aquifuge: an impermeable layer that neither stores nor transmits water.
  • discharge: the volume of water flowing through a stream or aquifer in a given time.
  • heterogeneous: a substance with varying characteristics in different locations.
  • homogeneous: a substance with identical characteristics throughout.
  • hydrogeology: the study of groundwater and its relationship with geological materials.
  • hydrology: the study of earth's water occurrence, distribution, and chemistry.
  • viscosity: the resistance of a fluid to flow.
  • anisotropy: when an aquifer’s hydraulic properties vary by flow direction.
  • baseflow: groundwater that sustains a stream during dry periods.
  • dewpoint: the temperature at which air moisture condenses.
  • tortuosity: the actual length of a groundwater flow path, compared to its straight-line distance.
  • transmissivity: the rate at which water moves through an aquifer under a given gradient.
  • throughflow: lateral water movement in the unsaturated zone after precipitation.
  • tension: the condition where pore water pressure is below atmospheric pressure.
  • sediment: an assemblage of individual mineral grains that were deposited by some geologic agent such as water, wind, ice, or gravity.
  • porosity: the ratio of the volume of void spaces in a rock or sediment to the total volume of the rock or sediment.
  • piezometer: a nonpumping well, generally of small diame-ter, that is used to measure the elevation of the water table or potentiometric surface. a piezometer generally has a short well screen through which water can enter.