Continental Drift Crossword Puzzle
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- million : 250 _ : alfred wegener hypothesized that pangaea began to break apart about how many years ago?
- seafloor spreading : the process that creates new sea floor as plates move away from each other at the mid-ocean ridges
- fossils : paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even though the continents were separated by oceans
- lithosphere : a rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust.
- increases : what happens to temperature as you go deeper in the earth?
- convection : force in the mantle that causes tectonic plates to move.
- magnetic : the earth's _ field reverses from time to time.
- africa : alfred wegener noticed that the coast of south america seemed to fit into the coast of this continent, just like a jigsaw puzzle.
- subduction zones : places where the seafloor is forced under continental plates.
- plate tectonics : a theory stating that the earth's surface is broken into plates that move.
- two centimeters : about how far do the plates move each year?
- astheno sphere : the zone below the lithosphere. it is more 'plastic' than the lithosphere so it is easier to bend and move.
- alfred wegener : scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted.
- mantle : section of the earth below the crust.
- fossil record : glossopteris and mesosaurus would be considered this type of pangaea supportive evidence.
- mesosaurus : a fossil that was found in both south america and africa; evidence of continental drift.