Geometry: 3D and 2D shapes Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: pentagon based pyramid: i am 3d. i have 6 vertices, and one of them is an apex, which makes me a pyramid, cube : i am 3d. i have 6 faces, and all my faces are the same 4 sided shape, triangle based pyramid : i am 3d. i have an apex. my base is a triangle, square based pyramid : i am 3d, i have 5 faces, 5 vertices and my base is a square, rectangular prism : i am 3d, i have 6 faces and 12 edges. i am a prism, cuboid : i am 3d and i am a prism. my base shapes are squares. people often think i am called a square prism, sphere : i am 3d. i have one curved face and no edges, pentagon : i am 2d. i have 5 sides of the same length, rectangle : i am 2d. i have 4 sides. the sides opposite to each other are the same length, hexagonal prism : i am 3d. i have 8 faces. my 2 base shapes have 6 sides each, circle : i am 2d, i have 1 curved edge, cylinder : i am 3d, i have 1 curved face and 2 flat faces. my bases are circles, cone : i have one apex, and my base is a circle, pentagon based pyramid : i am 3d. i have 1 vertice. my base shape has 5 sides, triangle: i am 2d. i have 3 sides, square : i am 2d. i have 4 sides and they are all the same length.